A journey through life...

Monday, August 21, 2006

A Mother's cry

How does a mother feel when she finds out that the baby she was carrying for 37 week does not survive to see the world outside her womb.
What emotions does a mother go through when she touches her still born baby?
What must be a mother going through when she finds out that her baby had died inside her? The very thought makes me shudder, but I can't imagine you living through it.
May god give you strength to live through this tragedy. I will hope and pray that you get to feel a life inside you again. I hope that you would get to listen to your baby's first cry. I hope you will be called a mother..... again.

A new beginning.........a new start

In all ways...................
Someone once said "Never fear shadows.....they simply mean there is light shining somewhere nearby".
So long I feared the shadows.......now I see the light.